Club Designer

Having been part of the Paul Mitchell ART Team for 6 years has fuelled Holly’s confidence and talent, which she has demonstrated on stage professionally, including showcasing in Poland and back here at Gershwins. Holly has featured in our video and editorial work across the country showcasing the best of her work. Holly loves to share her knowledge with her guests and educates the Team with Creative Collection sessions.

‘Being able to bring my knowledge back to Gershwins and use it in creative training sessions to develop my colleagues, makes all the hard work worthwhile. It’s really important in hairdressing not to limit yourself and accept any opportunities that are available to you.

Club Designer, ART team member

The rewards that you reap keep you inspired, motivated and drives you forward’.


Club Designer

As well as being one of our top Designers, Emma is a true perfectionist, and is responsible, as Head of the Gershwins Academy NVQ training programme, for the development of our Future Professionals. Encouraging them to graduate to a high standard beyond the normal parameters of NVQ2. Her commitment and dedication to education has gained her a teaching degree, showing her students the opportunities that can be achieved at Gershwins. Her students have described her as ‘caring and dedicated to sharing her knowledge’. South Devon College regularly praise her teaching skills as ‘outstanding and concise’. You will be in safe hands with her brilliant attention to detail.

‘Teaching has always been a great passion for me, and a goal I have been aiming for since I started my training and I’m so excited to be able to pass on my knowledge. I love all aspects of hairdressing and love a new challenge! Its great to see our Future Professionals passion and skill grow. As an Educator I believe training within a salon environment is so important. I started at Gershwins as a trainee myself and know, first hand, it gives greater opportunities for learners to be hands on, and really get a feel for salon life.

Emma Louise
Club Designer & Head of NVQ Education

It gives the Future Professionals a chance to build confidence and relationship with colleagues. In Gershwins, our aim as Educators is to qualify our Future Professionals to a very high level, preparing them for being on the floor as stylists. Give hands on experience and have fun!’

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